Nur Afiyah Febriani, Saeful Mikdar


In this journal the author responds to the problems of Distance Learning used during the covid-19 pandemic. Distance Learning Models and Ethics have not been widely discussed in scientific papers, but using the Maudu'i Tafsir method can reveal the definition of Distance Learning. This study generally concludes that Distance Learning in the perspective of the Qur'an is a learning process between teachers and learners in studying teaching materials that are carried out separately (distance, place and time) using sophisticated and modern technology facilities, while still basing and upholding learning etiquette. The Qur'anic cues regarding technology are found in several results of the discovery of renewable technology such as the human ability to see the process of reproductive development before the invention of the Microscope or USQ, the invention of the Gas Turbine Machine with Beetle Technology as a result of observing insects, Making armor as a protector in war, The Most Advanced Transportation Equipment and Aircraft Creation, Use of Computer Technology and the like. Signs of the Koran regarding computer technology and the like, the authors found 4 keywords, namely: 1. Bi al-Qalam in QS. Al-'Alaq/96:1, 2. Aqlâmun in QS. Luqman/31:27, 3. Al-Qalam in QS. Al-Qalam/68:1-2, 4. Aqlâmun in QS.Ali-Imran/3:44. The ethics or manners in distance learning are as follows: 1. Independence in QS. Al-Anfal/8:53, 2. QS. Patience on QS. Al-Kahf/18:67-75, 3. Responsibility on QS. An-Nisa/4:58, 4. Optimistic on QS. Yusuf/12:87


DL; learning; media; ethics

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