M. Darwis Hude, Akhmad Shunhaji, Sufiyani Sufiyani


The research conducted by the author at SMA Al Minhaj Bogor, the author found that the leadership style of the principal of SMA Al Minhaj is a combination of directive leadership style and consultative leadership style, this the author got from a questionnaire and by observing. Where the principal when deciding a problem often does not involve subordinates and this is included in the directive leadership style, and when viewed from the perspective of a consultative leadership style, the principal involves subordinates to receive information and complaints about what has happened, which is then taken a decision on the problem. itself. Thus, some educators feel that there is a lack of communication between the principal and the teachers. This creates an uncomfortable atmosphere felt by some teachers when they are on duty or when they are in the work environment. The strained relationship caused by the lack of communication between school principals and teachers as educators has been going on for a long time, and efforts to improve communication have begun to be built and attempted. Based on the findings obtained by the researcher through the questionnaire/questionnaire method that the author has distributed to educators and education staff at Al Minhaj High School, the principal at Al Minhaj High School has tried to carry out his duties to the best of his ability as a school principal. With his leadership style as described above, the principal tries to synergize the management of his institution, especially the educators and education staff. The principal wants educators and education staff to carry out their respective duties according to the tasks assigned to them, to support each other in the implementation of decisions and regulations in order to achieve a goal or vision to be achieved. However, as explained above, an inappropriate leadership style makes the work atmosphere less comfortableThe principal's leadership style will determine success in synergizing the management of educators and education personnel in an institution. Because with the appropriate leadership style, it will be easy for principals to influence their subordinates to cooperate, synergize and work productively to achieve the vision and mission of an institution


Leadership Style; Principal, Synergy; Management; Educator; Education Personnel

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