Muhaddits Muhaddits, Aas Siti Sholichah, Uswatun Hasanah


Science and technology (IPTEK) continues to develop and advance. The consequence of this is that there is digitalization in all fields which requires every individual to be ready and able to follow the rapid development of technology. In the field of education, it is marked by digitalization, starting from methods, media and facilities which force teachers and educators to be able to work together to follow digitalization in this field of education. This research aims to discuss religious moderation education in the digital era. This research uses a qualitative approach by applying descriptive-analytic methods. The results of this research show that in the current digital era, steps that can be taken to instill the values of religious moderation in the world of education are as follows: 1). Through the educational curriculum by integrating it into learning materials and systems; 2). Through the competence of teaching staff as facilitators; and 3). Through the role of parents and the community as supervisors and supporters. Through the Ministry of Religion's religious moderation program, it is hoped that the perspective and behavior, especially of teachers and educators in Indonesia, can be moderate and balanced in responding to various challenges and problems in the digital era


Digital Era; Religious Moderation; Education


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