Ja’far Shodiq


The aim of this research is to determine the learning achievement results of children with single parent parenting. This research is qualitative research. This research method is descriptive qualitative research which describes descriptive data from the phenomenon studied with the unit of analysis being the individual, namely a single parent, father or mother who has children who are still at school. The results of this research show that single parents play a role in providing proper education for children and providing motivation to children so that they are active in studying. Apart from that, single parents also have time constraints to guide their children to study, because single parents are busy working to earn a living, the level of education and knowledge and income of single parents are also still low. However, the achievements achieved by children in school are mostly successful. becoming class champion or being in the top 10, even though there are also those who are not ranked, their grades are still good and there are no red marks. This proves that society's assumption is not necessarily true that children from single parent families will not achieve better than children who have intact parents. Because not all children in single parent families have poor achievement


Parenting; Single Parent; Learning Achievement; Children

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