Abdul Rouf


Jihad is still a hot topic to discuss. At the very least, there are several reasons below. First, since the collapse of the WTC building, there has been an intense stigmatization of the concept of 'jihad' by the West. Second, the meaning of jihad is misunderstood in such a way as to favor certain groups. Third, jihad is understood partially by certain Muslim groups, as the only effective way to restore izzah (glory) and even khilafah for Muslims. Fourth, an incomprehensive understanding of the concept of 'jihad' continues to be intensified in various media. The word jihad has existed since the time the Prophet was in Mecca. But jihad in the Mecca period is not synonymous with war. Only then when the Prophet arrived in Medina, the word jihad was used again and one of its meanings was war. But the war that was used by the Prophet in the Medina period was a battle for self-defense. Self-defense carried out by Muslims because of the violence that continues to be deployed by the Meccan polytheists. Then the eruption included the Battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud, and the Battle of Khandaq. The problem is, can such war jihad be applied in the current context? In this article the author tries to describe the meaning of jihad based on the context of the time not merely referring to the text.


Jihad, Text, Conflict

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36671/mumtaz.v4i01.92


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